Edward Hawthorne 


Edward Hawthorne
Sketch by Buz Eddy

Edward Hawthorne entered the world of FTF Diplomacy in 1999.  He played solid Diplomacy and seemed just that, a solid good player. He was studying. He was learning how, Ken LeMere constructed draws. He was learning how Edi Birsan constructed solo opportunities.  Edward studied everyone, why they succeeded, why they failed.

By 2002 he served notice he was most serious about his game. He posted two Denver solos to win the 2002 Regatta.  Edward moved to the top spot in the NADF rating list.

The year 2003 was one that may never be duplicated. Edward started with a solo in a play test of the Denver WDC system, (against me), he soloed twice in Denver to take second and the top North American spot in World's at Denver. He soloed at Dragonflight to win that tournament. And he soloed at Dip Con (against me) to win that as well.

He won the Grand Prix. He was the ratings leader. He was the masterpoint leader. And he finished the year by being elected NADF All-Star. He was awarded a special trophy for his 2003 accomplishments.

Pacific Northwest has a style of play that the east coast has labeled Care Bear Diplomacy. I hung a label on Edward at the 2002 Denver Regatta that he, at first objected to, then allowed that perhaps it had merit.

Edward Hawthorne, the Care Bear that solos.