Chris Martin 


Personal Bio:


 Diplomacy History:

           In Chris's own words...


Chris wrote about his favorite Dip adventure this way...

I won the WDC at DixieCon in 98, and the NADF Grand Prix (not the French pronunciation) in 99, and nuthin in 00!  (My son was born in December of 99, so 00 was still a winner of a year for me!) Other notable dip events include being on the "Where's the LOVE, MAN?" board, ordering the famous "Berlin to Kiel!  Berlin to Kiel!" (2 years running as Germany at AvalonCon, survived with one unit in Berlin for 3+ years, with that order.)  receiving end of a great dip compliment "You know what?  You talk to <expletive> much.  Just shut the <censored> up, will you?'   Written a couple of articles on F2F dip, tournament style.  Perhaps I will go down in history as the person who threw the Solo to my fellow World Champ Christian Dryer in the Pouch Showcase game, "Ruffians".  That was a fun one!


Chris Martin 

sketch by Buz Eddy

Chris had been playing in events that eventually would find there way to the ratings for three years when he came to mine and everyone's attention by posting a solo against some established competition at 1998 WDC at Chapel Hill. The rating results of that event shot him to nearly the top. 

He and I had a few exchanges on the net and he continued as a top performer both nationally and internationally through 1999.

In August 1999, Chris combined a visit with his brother in Seattle with the Dragonflight tournament. We played three games together and established our "perfect relationship". Neither of us once represented our intentions accurately to the other in any of the three games.

Chris seems to go at everything in life with flair and excitement. I laughed more in the games with him than perhaps the previous 30 of the decade. He plays gaming for fun and recreation. He is good competitor, of course, but more than that he is an excellent gamer.

Chris won the initial Grand Prix in 1999. I had started publicizing it as the Grand Prix (not to be pronounced in the French manner). I stopped using the phrase in print, but when I presented his award at Baltimore at 2000 WDC, he seemed a little disappointed that the parenthetical phrase was not engraved after Grand Prix.

Chris Martin is the most likeable person to Eliminate me from a Diplomacy game.





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